The World today is a System of Relations and Actions, only time seems to be flowing linearly..
Other than that everything is circular.
Humanity seems to be getting that now, that our resources are limited and maybe we don’t really own the Earth.
The 2030 Sustainability Goals stand alone as a manifestation for that, laying out the roadmap for a better world.
17 Goals, 17 Answers to our problems..
However we believe before answers comes the questions.. Asking the right questions will navigate us through the Maze in our brains, in our perceptions, in our values..
Therefore, it is crucial that we raise generations who are in full consciousness to ask the RIGHT & SMART questions.
At ImpACTMaze, we THINK AND SEARCH for the answers that will have meaning for the whole ecosystem.
We design new paths and open new gates, which are true to our nature and our future aspirations.
Impact Partners
We create sustainable, green solutions and awareness around the concept ‘’Inclusive Business and Growth’’.
Case Studies
In order to accelerate the transformation to ambitious SDG’s established by the United Nations, we need system level interventions and most importantly responsible leaders to make that Change.

Project Names:
Village 4.0 – Fair Milk Movement
#1 No Poverty
#2 Zero Hunger
#12 Responsible Consumption and Production

Financial Inclusion
Project Names:
Microfon (ebursum)
#4 Quality Education
#10 Reduced Inequalities

Gender Inequality
Project Names:
Girls Without Barriers
#5 Gender Equality

Green Energy
Project Names:
Massive Energy
#13 Climate Action

Project Names:
Kavlak Law Academy
#4 Quality Education
Let’s Create Impact
The Quest for an Inclusive Future