2020 has been a reckoning for many corporations; they’re looking at their organizations and seeing strengths and flaws like never before. Some even go beyond the lip-service of lofty purpose statements and challenge the system itself with a new business model, a new approach to ways of working, and a new way to measure their success.

How do I fit into that global challenge? My personal motivation is inviting and creating collaboration that transforms mindsets, organizations and the economy for human and natural world centered solutions. Bringing sustainability, technology and culture change onto one value generating transformation pathway for business, finance and society. I do that by shaping strategy of departments, tracking major trends and delivering awareness to the workforce as well as formulating innovative products and services in line with major developments in related industries.

 Coming from the banking industry, I have managed to bridge the gap between traditional working structures and innovative business models, catalyzing startups and social entepreneurs along the way. I am the only private banker in my country who has initiated the first angel investor network sponsored by a bank and the first co creation business model with a social business.

Today we all know that, The future of workforce is defined as the mindsets and dynamics that deliver empowerment, performance, innovation, new business models and alliances for positive impact.

Some companies I worked for enabled that, nurturing a culture that embraces the growth mindset and creativity. Some didn’t, however all those experiences paved the way for my resilience story today.

You can listen to my story in the webinar called ‘’Resilience Leadership’’ by Avvartes, a global human capital consultancy platform.

Published On: Aralık 4th, 2021 / Categories: General, Social Innovation Strategy / Tags: /

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