Abstract: The first part of this paper investigates the relation between business model innovation and current approaches with sustainability. The second part focuses more on the new impact valuation models as well as impact investment space with its newly emerging concepts and players.


There is growing interest and debate on how to DEFINE value, in our future economic realities. Forward looking companies started to work on their authentic impact models, defining their unique KPİ’s based on their strategy in order to integrate sustainability into their core business.

The BİG question private sector is asking and trying to answer is

How to ensure growth or optimise growth and at the same time balance profit and purpose ?


Recent research and practice have shown that business model innovation can be one way to create and capture new value and drive production and consumption toward sustainability. However, business model tools typically do not create a space to consider how sustainability concerns may be integrated into the innovation process.

In addition to that, a typical approach of a company/organisation to sustainability is to follow he ESG space to adress issues and overcome mismanagement and risk related challenges. This might have been enough until the beginning of 21th century.

Today, – we need to find or create new ways to close the gaps in value creation and distribution

The real opportunity lies in leapfrogging into a technology-driven approach to sustainability. This will help make faster progress.  For that companies will need to find a way to measure their maturity levels not only in term of carbon emissions but also about their capacity to leverage technology for that transformation.  Once we accept sustainability as a competitive advantage we realise its strategy should be designed by taking into consideration all strategic functions of an organisation.

The reason why many organisations are reluctant to to change their business models or shift to better greener or more inclusive ones is basicly because they don’t know how to use sustainability as a strong stimulating factor for their business. Sustainability should be aligned with your corporate business strategy. The key to that is creating your own authentic impact models.



Published On: Ocak 25th, 2023 / Categories: General /

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